SEMA 2014: Hawk Introduces New Pad Compound

IMG_0248A good suspension does wonders for a track car; horsepower helps too, but without brakes, all of that potent hardware goes to waste. That is where Hawk Performance comes in. Their line of performance brake pads help even the fastest cars hunker down to cornering speed. For the SEMA show, Hawk brought out a new line of drilled and slotted performance rotors a long with a new set of street and track pads.

The STREETRACE pads are the perfect pad for the autocross and track-day patron. With easy modulation, moderate noise levels and rotor wear the pads are completely livable on the street but are a force to be reckoned with in a high-performance-driving environment.

IMG_0243On the track, they have excellent fade resistance and substantially increased stopping power. The STREETRACE pads offer aggressive torque and are designed to operate in the 100-1200-degree environments. In the real world, that means that heat range means they won’t burn up in a racing environment but will also have plenty of stopping power cold.

“The 5.0 kills the older HP-PLUS,” said Mike Defford of Hawk Performance. “It’s way more street friendly and a way better race pad.  It’s for the hardcore track guys that are going on on the weekend and killing it.”

IMG_0250Also on display was Hawk’s HPS5.0 compound. This is an excellent upgrade from stock pads. It is gentle on rotors for a daily driven vehicle and offers quiet, low-dust operation. However, in addition to being a very economic compound, the HPS5.0 offers reduced stopping distances and substantially increased pedal feels.

For more information on Hawk Performances entire compound lineup and more info on applications, visit their website.

About the author

Evan Perkins

Evan Perkins is a seasoned automotive journalist with a passion for road racing. Evan has logged seat time in more cars than he can count and has a deep-seeded love for all genres of the motoring world.
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